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MM: Unmei Himura




:bulletyellow:N a m e
Unmei Araraki Himura
:bulletyellow:A g e
:bulletyellow:G e n d e r
:bulletyellow:Y e a r L e v e l
3rd year, transfer student
:bulletyellow:A r c a n a
:bulletyellow:Ar c a n a R a n k
Rank 1
:bulletyellow:S u i t
:bulletyellow:H e i g h t
:bulletyellow:W e i g h t
:bulletyellow:N a t i o n a l i t y
:bulletyellow:L i k e s
-Food... Strange tasting food usually appeals her
-Being praised
-'Real men'
-Cute things. She might have a strange definition of cute though...
:bulletyellow:D i s l i k e s
-'Unmanly guys'
-Being ignored
-Weak (cowardly, unfaithful) people
-Being compared with others
:bulletyellow:P e r s o n a l i t y
"A polite and obedient young lady in front of adults, a spoiled, ill-mannered brat in front of others, but a softie deep inside"-that about sums it up...

Unmei acts all tough and snobbish (and by that, it means she doesn't speak unless spoken to) around other people, often addressing them in a rude manner. However, she becomes polite and ladylike when in front of someone of authority (*see history). Despite her attitude, she's actually just an awkward and shy girl with strange obsessions.

This is because she has no problem with answering 'untruthfully' (by that, it means that saying things she doesn't really mean to), but when it comes to bringing up what she really feels, Unmei gets either too embarrassed or nervous that it won't come out of her system. In fact, she would rather say something hurtful rather than say what she truly feels.
:bulletyellow:S t r e n g t h s
-Her quick feet. Unmei is pretty agile and has good reflexes, but her stamina is quite low.

-Cooking, especially baking...

-Literature, arts and math

-A hard worker. She's not naturally smart, or good at everything she does for that matter. In fact, she seldom gets things right in on her first try, so she makes up for this by learning, practicing and acquiring more knowledge.

-Doesn't rush things ruthlessly and tends to make preparations.

:bulletyellow:W e a k n e s s
-She wouldn't obey any orders from 'ordinary' people.


-Doesn't give her trust easily. She'd always feel suspicious about a person, thinking that he/she will betray her or something along those lines.

-Lack of strength. She can't lift heavy things, and her 'hitting power' is incredibly low.

-Unable to communicate and express her true feelings, Unmei would usually act like a brat... At most times, she says things the opposite of what she actually wants to say and tends to be rude.

-Indecisive. As much as possible, she tries to avoid making important decisions on her own.
:bulletyellow:H i s t o r y

Unmei came from a rich family and lived a very sheltered life. She had two elder brothers who help with the business together with her father. Because of this set up, they were almost never home. Being the youngest (and to top it off, a girl), her father does not expect much from her, and thus, never even bothered to train her like her brothers.

Her mother was the closest family to her and the one who decides things for Unmei, providing rules and limitations. She was especially strict about appearances. So, ever since she was young, Unmei has been taught to make a good appearance in front of guests, teachers, and basically, anyone of authority and position, also, she was expected to excel in everything since she was carrying the family name.

Her daily routine mostly consisted of attending (all-girls) school and home classes (tea ceremony, cooking, etc.) which was all prepared by her mother. At first, she always did her best hoping to get praise from her mom. Though, as she grew up, she began questioning her mother’s ways and realized that her life was being controlled. She didn’t do anything about it though, because she feared of making a decision she would regret. Before her 18th birthday, Unmei overheard her mother’s plans to send her to a university abroad. This was the final straw. She finally confronted her mother about it, letting out all her repressed feelings. Her mother, seeing that Unmei was serious about it gave a condition for her to do what she wants. If Unmei can live on her own for a year, then she stays. If she can’t, she’ll have to follow her mother once again...

( ^ 283 words according to MS word XD)
:bulletyellow:W e a p o n
Twin Knives- 'Carrying these small blades could be quite handy' - was what she thought after she used them during a certain emergency when she happened to have brought them. True enough, keeping them with her was a good idea because so far, they have served her well, from peeling fruits to opening packages. She bought them a few years back just because she thought they were cute.
:bulletyellow:T r i v i a
-Buys two or more of everything. This is because she likes having spares.
-Has terrible memory when in comes to remembering people's names. This is one of the reasons she ends up not calling people (bad) nicknames. Though she calls almost everyone 'commoners' in general.
-Secretly dreams about having her own 'prince'
-Doesn't like others to see her 'working hard'. For example, studying. She studies a lot for her grades, but she wouldn't let others see her while she's on her books.
-She had her hair cut before leaving home.
-She also has a strange obsession with the issue of being a 'real man' and has her own rules concerning it.
-Even though her cooking is good, she has a habit of adding questionable ingredients whenever trying out a new recipe.
:bulletyellow:M o r p h o s P o i n t s
10,000 +4800 Applicant points
:bulletyellow:I n v e n t o r y

Just an extra :iconmingplz:
:bulletblack:Arcana Explanation (brief explanation only... in my point of view XD)
(Reversed - deception, lies, secrets, negative assumptions, illusion, trickery
"This Tarot card can also represent repressed feelings, an over-reliance on the opinions of others and an excessive need for approval and validation."

"The reversed Priestess symbolizes one who is unable to make decisions, as well as a conflict of intellect and instinct.")

-Unmei enjoys being praised by others because she wants to feel that she 'exists'. This idea of hers most likely came from the fact that he father never paid attention to her, and thus, sought it from her mother. However, as she grew up, she has observed other people who seemed to have freedom, unlike her. With this, she began questioning herself if it's her mother's approval she really wants.

-Due to the fact that she hides her true feelings, she creates a lie about herself. She deceives others about her true self causing them to stay away from her.

(Upward- "The High Priestess appears when you need to listen to your inner voice and steady yourself in the face of fear and consternation. This is not a time to act quickly. Rather, there is something more you need to learn about the situation."
"Priestess knows the secret of how to access these realms. She represents spiritual enlightenment and inner illumination, divine knowledge and wisdom.")

-She felt that something was wrong on how her mother controlled her life as time went by. As mentioned above, this was because her worldview expanded as she learned, observed and gained more knowledge growing up. Despite this, she did nothing about it because she was afraid of making a decision. But, for the first time, Unmei finally voiced out her thoughts and followed her inner voice. With her intuition, she knew that if she doesn't do anything now, her life would be the same in the years to come - controlled by her mother, unable to make her own choices. It was because of this that she ended up with her current situation and enrolling in this school.
Hahaha... Yeah. I'm applying again <_<
This is like my third time XD. I think I'm getting the hang of using my mouse now >.<

But anyway... Yeah... I think this'll be my last attempt ^^" :icondesucryplz:
Hope I get in this time :iconlazycryplz:

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